Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Online Auction now open .... for EVERYONE!

The BCWLA is posting its auction online for EVERYONE to have a chance to bid from May 18th - 21st Here's how it works:

1) Contact infobcwla@gmail.com to request a bid number.

2) Visit the online auction at http://buckscountywla.blogspot.com

3) Scroll down and view the items.

4) Leave a comment to place a bid.

That's it! 
The auction ends on Saturday, May 21st @ 7pm, so get your bids in early!!!

Why fundraise?
We are raising funds in an effort to raise funds for the following:

  • Resources (student workbooks and general classroom supplies)
  • Technology (access codes for additional resources and/or online subscriptions for creating digital student projects)
  • Faculty Training (in-program workshops for continuous staff development)
  • Maintenance Expenses (room rental fees, website host costs, salaries, etc)
  • BCWLA Scholarship Fund (once we are self-sustaining, we hope to build a scholarship fund in order to make our program more accessible to all families in the area)

We strive to improve each year and with your help we can offer a truly unique, high-quality program for students to succeed in learning a world language while they are still in elementary school. Furthermore, we need additional funding in order to offset costs for running our non-profit program.

For example, did you know that this year we spent $100 PER DAY just to rent the classrooms we use for our language classes? That's over $10,000 per year spent on this fee alone. We need lots of help in order to become self-sustaining and to try to keep tuition costs reasonable (it currently costs less than $15 per lesson, definitely a deal!)

Please support us by participating in our online auction between May 18th and May 21st, 2016. Simply scroll down to see the various auction items and place your bid in the comment section below each one. 

Tax-deductible, online donations can also be made HERE at any time. Feel free to contact Melissa at infobcwla@gmail.com or 215-593-9353 if you have any questions. Thank you for your support!

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